Rotary International
1560 Sherman Ave
Evanston, IL 60201 USA
It is more than astounding to always learn about the implications between Rotary
Clubs and Paedophilia in specific areas in Germany.
Merely ten years ago I reported a dramatic Paedophilia issue concerning former Rotary 1900 President Stefan Meyer, whose implication has been communicated to me from the public.
In this latter case this patron abused Rotary’s image in order to loot and destroy our Westfalia based Bakery factory with 340 employees.
Surprisingly with the help of a local “Savings Bank” (Kreissparkasse Steinfurt), whose lawyer Michael Scharpenberg later admitted to have been a stakeholder in child abuse, which he financed based on “booty money” drawn from our ravaged bakery business.
But it won’t end here;
Not too long time ago there was another nasty Paedophilia case within the scope of Rotary Club No.1648.
Please Refer – joint press clipping underneath;
This case concerned the commercial promotion officer of this “Münster”-Area, Dr.Thomas Robbers, after having presented via the local press for being a fellow with people, who were producing child abuse videos in Belgium, he had to leave this job.
Strange enough, but this same person Dr.Thomas Robbers appears in Public as the ROTARY CLUB 1648 treasurer.
The question arises, of what nature is the link between Rotary and organised Paedophilia, which meanwhile turned into a widespread and permanent subject in this Westfalia based “township Münster”?
Verbindung zu Verdächtigem in Missbrauchsfall: Münster stellt Chef der Wirtschaftsförderung frei via @derspiegel